Wervin’ est une chanson de Nick Mason, parue en 1981 sur l’album Fictitious Sports. Paroles et musique sont de Carla Bley.
Toutes les versions officielles
Wervin' sur Fictitious Sports
- Durée : 3 min 58 s
- Navigation :
- Nick Mason – Fictitious Sports (1981)
- 6. Do Ya
- 7. Wervin’
Wervin’, we’re Wervin’
Do you need a doctor?
Swervin’ and curvin’
Are you pocket trained?
Do you like to Werve?
Do you have the nerve?
Do you need a doctor
When you start to swerve?
Are you pocket trained
Goin’ ‘round a curve?
Can you Werve?
Wervin’, we’re Wervin’
Do you save the coupons?
Swervin’ and curvin’
Can I borrow your suit?
Can you Werve like a bird
Or do you find it absurd?
Did you come prepurd?
Can I borrow your suit?
Do you find it unnervin’
Or pleasantly disturbin’
Can you Werve?
Wervin’, we’re Wervin’
Do you have your ‘chute?
Swervin’ and curvin’
Does your mother know?
Do you worry when you Werve?
Are you scared when you swerve?
Do you get what you deserve
When you go around a curve?
I can see your house
Have you lost your nerve?
Can you Werve?
Auteurs de la page :
Parsons Project.