Pink Floyd - 1971 - We Want More [lossless]

Démarré par oneofmypages, 19 Mai 2010 à 15:12


Mr. Pig

Le lien est mort, peut on le reuploader s'il vous plait?

Mr. Pig

Je repose ma p'tite question: Pourrait-on réuploader ce boot (lpp) plizzzzzz!
Au minimum en mp3  :pleure:


Citation de: Mr. Pig le 05 Juillet 2012 à 13:56
Je repose ma p'tite question: Pourrait-on réuploader ce boot (lpp) plizzzzzz!
Au minimum en mp3  :pleure:

alors, si ce n'est que pour le concert du 26 juin , tu trouvera un lien actif ici , en 1971
Is There Anybody Out There ??
one of these days ;


Une version sans bonus de Little Pieces Production: (très bonne qualité) en FLAC:

Holland 1971-06-26 (16bit/44kHz)
***Recorder 1***

Pink Floyd
Amstel Free Concert
Amsterdamse Bos
Amsterdam, Holland
June 26th 1971

Lineage: Low Gen Cassette > CDR (1) > EAC > WAV > TLH > FLAC (16bit/44kHz) ----> Samplitude10 (32bit/44kHz) > Wav (16bit/44kHz) > CDWave (1.98) > FLAC

***Neonknight's Notes***
This is a new to the community very stable sounding source for this concert that I received from a US trader whom I met through the DAT-Heads website around 10 years ago.

***Littlepieces' Mastering Notes***
This is a mono recording that was processed as two channel stereo.  It has a phase shift that varies some but is generally about 2-4 samples, The left channel's output is ~5db lower than the right most of the time, but has a bit more HF content than the right.  So both channels were retained and manually aligned to improve the phasing and the left channel's gain was increased 5db.  The left channel accepted the increase very well and it helped balance the output as well increase the contribution from the high end.

After the first two minutes of SOS the right channel level dropped so the gain was increased 1.3db for the remainder of the track.  I also used the right channel to replace the left channel from 6:06m-6:53m on SOS, since the left channel was a bit rough and patchy during this segment.

At the very end of SOS at 18:07m, the recording switches to stereo and channel dominance changes to left channel. This stereo segment is riddled with crackles and pops and the beginning of this segment sounds like its repeating 2s of the previous mono part.  I used a decrackle plugin to reduce the prominence of the crackles and pops for this odd 18s stereo segment.   

Removed a few noises and dead air and repaired a few dropouts.  A low sporadic whistle sound at ~7.5k occurs for a few seconds a couple times.  I chose to leave this unchanged.  I also moved Embryo to its proper place at the end as the encore.

The speed of cwtae, cymbaline, and embryo were sometimes a bit fast but within 1% so I chose not to subject these to a resample particularly since they are only 16/44.  The speed of STC and SOS were quite fast so the speed of these two tracks were adjusted.

I find it interesting that some recorder 1 versions are mono and some stereo.  All of the pinkrabbit source is stereo.  The supposed rec3 tracks, cwtae and cymbaline, as well as the rest which are considered rec1.  The LP source is stereo as well.  But the low gen CDR sources like this one are mono. 

1. [11:03] Careful With That Axe, Eugene
2. [08:54] Cymbaline
3. [11:34] Set The Controls
4. [18:25] A Saucerful Of Secrets
5. [00:44] Audience Demands Encore
6. [08:41] The Embryo

|| [59:24] Total

Neonknight CDR/ Little Pieces Production (LPP)/(June 2010)

1971-06-26 - Recorder 1 - Amstel Free Concert - FLAC

